Apple R1 晶片大剖析 | Deep into Apple R1 chip

R1 晶片如何解決 AR/VR 瓶頸,一個要價 $3500 到底 Apple 在打什麼算盤 | How does the R1 chip solve the AR/VR bottleneck?

Insights the Chips World | 洞悉晶片的世界
19 min readJun 8, 2023


Apple Vision Pro is priced at $3,499 USD / Picture taken from Apple

English Version

Apple Vision Pro is priced at $3499 USD / Picture taken from Apple Apple released a product called Vision Pro at WWDC in 2023. This is a product of cross-epochal significance for the virtual…



Insights the Chips World | 洞悉晶片的世界

SoC Software Engineer at Tesla | 2021 UC Berkeley EECS | 2019 NTUEE.